Tag Archives: Abased

Wine, Bread And OIL Makes Glad The Christians AS Daily Provisions From God

From our Today Psalms 104:15, We Note That The ThreeFold Daily Provision OF God To Grow And Build Us Up Spiritually : V15A -“AND WINE THAT MAKETH GLAD THE HEART OF MAN,i.e. THE BLOOD OF CHRIST THAT MAKES US GLAD UNTO SALVATION V15B -and oil to make his face to shine,”i.e. THE OIL OF THE …

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As The Lord Liveth It Shall Be According To His Word…

In Elijah’s Testimony Before King Ahab in 1 Kings 17:1, Alexander McLaren Gives Us A Threefold Testimony What A Believer’s Life Ought To Be:: V1A -“And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth,”i.e. MY LIFE IS A CONSTANT VISION OF GOD’S PRESENCE …

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Andrew Murray: Just As Water Ever Seeks And Fills The Lowest Place, So The Momenys God Finds You Abased And Empty, His Glory And Power Flow In.

Fill me with Thy gracious Spirit,Fill my longing spirit now;Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,Come, dear Lord, and fill me now. Fill me now! Fill me now!Fill me with Thy Spirit now!Strip me wholly, empty throughly,Fill me with Thy Spirit now! Thou can’st fill me with Thy Spirit,Though I cannot tell Thee how;But I need …

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